Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Cup of Thanksgiving

In preparing my Bible class lesson this week, I spent some time with 1 Corinthians 10. In verse 16, Paul says, “Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ.” As I reflected on that verse I thought about the numerous communion devotions I’ve heard from those who preside at the table. I could not think of a single time I had ever heard anyone (myself included) refer to the fruit of the vine as the “cup of thanksgiving” (or “cup of blessing” depending on the translation). I asked my class this morning, and none of them had ever heard it either, which is strange considering that we think of ourselves as a people of the Bible. It occurs to me that this thought opens up an entirely new dimension of understanding the nature of the Lord’s Supper. Gratitude ought to fill our hearts from beginning to end. The longer I live the more I’m drawn to the blessing of the cross.


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