I don’t mind being old, but I do mind spending a lot of time in a doctor’s office, especially when I’m feeling just fine. Unfortunately, I have to visit my cardiologist every year before he will agree to prescribe medicine for another year. I spent a little over two and a half hours in his office, but I only received attention from the doctor and his staff for about 10 minutes of that time. It proved to be something of a spiritual challenge. I realized I couldn’t stay focused on prayer that long. I tried thinking myself through some of our challenges at church. I alternated between that and deep theological meditation. I couldn’t concentrate on any of it. I finally realized what the real test was. My patience was being tested. I think I failed. I could have come up with a number of rational reasons for not allowing the prolonged office visit to get under my skin. I didn’t even try. I just sat there grinding my teeth and thinking, “This is about as much fun as watching paint dry.” Guess what. He ordered an echogram for this week. I don’t need that either. But then I guess if you don’t handle the patience test right the first time, you have to keep trying until you get it right.
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